Mobile Billboards - rates and product information including Advertising Vans, AdBikes, AdTrailers click on an image

Gorilla Media offer a range mobile billboards offering advertising solutions operating across London and the entire UK delivering comprehensive national coverage in localised packages. These ambient media tools include Digital Advertising Vans (DigiVans), Banner Display Advertising Vans (AdVans), along with Advertising Bikes (AdBikes) offer national capability with local mobility.

For over 21-years Gorilla Media has delivered high-impact, cost-effective mobile billboards used in advertising campaigns by leading agencies and clients as a standalone guerrilla marketing tactic or an integral part in a full media mix. Mobile billboards delivered through digital advertising vans, banner Ad Vans and Ad Bikes offering coverage in locations where static (OOH) Out Of Home advertising is not available. Filling these media black holes.

Following a pre-scheduled route specific to the target audience, these advertising vans and advertising bikes are always manned to take advantage of local situations and conditions. As a result, they deliver the greatest possible exposure for the Clients message. Mobile Billboards working to a bespoke schedule and route are more targetable than traditional static billboard or other transport advertising.

Static billboards have long been considered to deliver effective advertising. Increasingly sites are dominated by major brands buying nationwide and in bulk. Mobile billboards advertising provided by a Gorilla Media in the form of Digi Vans, Ad Vans, Ad Trailers and Ad Bikes provide a new dynamic to this proven medium. Being in the right place to deliver the right message, to the right people, at the right time.
Clients we have had the pleasure promoting include…
Latest news from mobile outdoor advertising company Gorilla Media featuring mobile billboards including DigiVans, AdVans, AdBikes and AdTrailers
Liberty hits back against Home Office’s racist AdVan
Human rights group Liberty responded to the Home Office’s immigration ‘Go Home’ campaign with an advertising van of their own. The Gorilla AdVan was briefed to target government buildings in central London and reassure residents in the same boroughs targeted by the...
38 Degrees use Gorilla AdBikes against No Gagging Law
Followed successful campaigns against nuclear waste storage in Cumbria, NHS cutbacks across the UK, and election debate in Eastleigh, lobbyist organisation ‘38 Degrees’ turned again to mobile billboard contractor Gorilla Media to voice objection to what has become...
‘Go Home Advertising Vans Awarded Research Grant
Researchers have been awarded £200,000 of taxpayers' money to look into the impact of the Government's controversial 'Go Home' AdVans aimed at illegal immigrants. The significant grant comes despite the high-profile billboard trucks drawing intense criticism from both...
European Ad Van Campaign Comes to London
Following Gorilla Ad Van campaigns in Brussels, Copenhagen and Stockholm last month, International dating site VictoriaMilan have commissioned Gorilla Mobile Billboards to stage a campaign a little closer to home this time with advertising vans operating in Central...
Advertising Van Park & Ride Message
With just a few shopping days left before Christmas, city centre parking can be a nightmare. Bus operator Stagecoach have deployed a Gorilla AdVan campaign to deliver a £1 per day Park & Ride message right at the point of decision to motorists heading into...
AdVans, Builders Merchants and Bacon Butties
Van Monster, the national commercial vehicle group are currently using Gorilla AdVans to promote the opening of their new Showroom in Glasgow. Targeting trade counters and builders merchants throughout their catchment area, as well as the occasional greasy spoon....