A digital display AdVan delivered by Gorilla Media for the People’s Vote campaign was used as a ‘guerrilla‘ marketing tactic shadowing the Tory leadership hustings throughout June and July. The humorous messages featured on of the leadership candidates Boris Johnson emerging from the label pocket of Brexit party founder Nigel Farage. A second image created by the People’s Vote aimed to depict in their view the true relationship between the Brexit Party and the leading candidate favourite showed Nigel cradling a baby Boris withe the headline ‘Who’s the daddy’ and was featured widely in national media.
Ad Van People’s Vote Rally Sunderland
Conventional ad vans displaying 48-sheet banner version were also used at hustings in Carlisle and Manchester as well as at the People’s Vote Rally in Sunderland where Bridget Phillipson, Mitch Benn and Paul Callaghan and David Lammy addressed the audience. Gorilla Media Limited received praise on social media from supporters congratulating them on delivering People’s Vote message so effectively.